Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pics of My Classroom!!!!

Here are the long awaited pics of my classroom!!! It is so very cute!! I am excited about finally being a teacher!!!
Travis working in my reading center

My table in front of the window

My bookcase


The cutest letters ever!!

My reading center

The welcome for my students

Character poster

birthday poster

The cutest calender ever

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Travis First Blog

Hebrew is hard! This summer, in order to fulfill the requirements to enter into the PhD program at NOBTS, I am taking two Hebrew classes. And might I say that Hebrew is ridiculously hard. For starters the characters look weird. Hebrew has dots for vowels. And it is backwards, that is it is written right to left not left to right. Needless to say, it seems a bit odd and strange.

However, through this experiencing I am clinging to two thoughts. The first is a thought from John Piper. Piper once said something like "if you rake leaves all you will ever get is dirt, but if you dig a little you might just find diamonds." I am praying for diamonds! The second thought is from Psalms 119. Psalms 119:11, "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." And what better way to store up God's Word than in Hebrew!