Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Breakfast time

Here are some pics from breakfast time this morning. Tucker had just finished eating and he was sitting in his chair watching Super Why. He is just so cute and a total mess! He is into everything now. He is crawling everywhere and pretty fast too! I have to keep my eyes on him at all times!!

I enjoy the days that I get to spend with him. Today was the first day that he sat still for about 2 or 3 minutes and we snuggled on the couch. He is such a blessing from the Lord.

Thank you Lord for blessing us with Tucker. He has made me realize that you are even more real than I knew you were before you brought him into our lives.I need you even more everyday so that I can be the best mother that I can be. Give me strength to be more and more like you.

I love ALL my family!!

**I added a few other pics from Tucker sitting on his Dinosaur and cooling it in his car.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I LOVE my family! How about you? I am thankful that I was able to be blessed to have my son Tucker. He is joy to us everyday even though parenting is that hardest thing I have ever experienced!! We recently got our family pictures back and I just wanted to share a few pics with you all. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


A baby's laughter is better than anything I have ever experienced. Especially if that laughter is coming YOUR baby. I have always loved babies but none more than Tucker Layne Graham. Here is a clip of what I get to experience everyday and thank you Lord and thank you Travis for allowing me the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. When there are tough times because we don't have two incomes or I have been at home for 24+ hours straight without one breathe of fresh air I will try to remember videos like this:http://youtu.be/stfjyz4MD4s

Friday, May 13, 2011

My first Mother's Day

Mercer and Tucker on Mercer's Baby Dedication Day
The whole crew
Me and Mercer on Tucker's Baby Dedication Day
Travis, me, Tucker and Pastor Steve

May 8, 2011 was my very first mother's day AND baby dedication day at Mars Hill BC. It was a VERY big day for me!! A memorable day...that's for sure!! Travis' parents and sister and my parents, brother, sister-in-law and neice were there to witness the event. It went great and Tucker behaved really well. He didn't scream or pitch a fit or mess up his clothes during the dedication(which I was worried about). I was so proud of him!!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Well, today we had a first. Tucker's first swimming experience. Well, it wasn't really swimming, just dipping our feet in the water because the water at our friends the Minter's pool (thanks Chad and Molly!) wasn't quite warm enough yet to actually submerge ourselves in the water. I think we might have started shivering if we would have went for a dip in the water so we decided to just play for a few minutes in the water with our feet. Tucker seemed to not mind the water. But he didn't go crazy for it either. Maybe come August he will really be able to enjoy the pool.
He is such a cute baby! He is smiling and cooing all the time! I just enjoy every moment we all have together....except for when he is screaming his head off in the car. But I still try to just thank God for him even though this is the toughest thing I have ever done in my life. I love Travis and Tucker so much and enjoy being their favorite gal....hopefully :)
Love you all!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

3 months old......already!!!

Can't believe Tucker is already 3 months old. Boy these months sure have passed by fast!!! He has been such a blessing to Travis and I!

We stay so busy with church and life that this time has gone by so fast with so many wonderful memories!!!



Monday, April 18, 2011

Cutest thing ever!!!!

Look how happy he is in the morning!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coming out of a fog...

Well, it has been 2.5 months since Tucker was born and it all seems like a thick fog that is finally thinning. Being a mom is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. After having Tucker I have realized how much my parents loved me and am thankful for all they did for me...even though they may not be thankful for everything I did to them:).

I am going to try, repeat is the key word, to put pictures of Tucker up pretty often so the family can keep up with how he is doing. As of now he is doing wonderful! 13 lbs(as of yesterday) and was 24 inches long at his 2 month checkup!!! He is a growing boy and amazed me everyday!!

Keep checking here to see if we have updated. Love you all!!